21 June 2010

Evaluación de las Metas

1) Become substantially better at speaking and understanding Spanish
Yes! My spanish definitely improved noticeably. I have so much more work to do though. I'm only inspired to work harder though :)

2) Get a good tan
I got a tan but I could have done better! However my original goal said to look like a Mexican, and I now know plenty of Mexicans that aren't that brown. So I would say this one was achieved! mas o menos

3) Receive good grades in my classes
Not sure of my final grades, hoping I pulled A's! I didn't do as well as I wanted on a test or two so I'm just crossing my fingers now.

4) Make some friends.. American and Mexican
Made some amazing friends. Leaving was very hard.

5) Not gain 20lbs
Well I definitely gained weight, not 20lbs but enough to make me have to get to the gym ASAP! Anyways stil achieved.

6) Regularly update my blog, with photos!
Check! sort of.

7) Learn how to cook something Mexican
I took a cooking class with the school and learned how to make Chiles Poblanos, Sopa de lentiles, y un postre con gelatino, yogur, y fruta.

8) See as many places and things that my budget will allow me to do
Went on every single excursion and saw some amazing things!!! Worth every peso.

9) Learn a song in spanish and get some Mexi music
I learned the "ay ay ay ay canta no llores" song!! They sing it at football games, and it is also a song for those who are away from home. Its called "Celito Lindo" and its very pretty and i'm so excited that I learned it! I got lots of Mexi music for my ipod, too :)

10) Learn how to salsa dance!
Took a salsa dance class and also went out to a few salsa bars. SO much fun! The men love dancing. I want to learn more!

11) Be able to roll my R's :(
Still working on this one but I've improved!!

-annnnnd most importantly-
12) Have fun in the process :)
I had such an incredible trip. Thank you so much to my parents who allowed me to go on the trip, to my friends who encouraged me to go for it, to my new friends here in the states and the ones in Mexico for making the 6 weeks an amazing time, to NAU for putting on the program and offering me a small scholarship, to Javier, our director, who put his time, effort, energy, and heart into our trip, and to my Mexican family that I miss dearly. Oh and thank you to whoever actually read my blog :) that's pretty cool. Nos vemos pronto chicos!!!! cuidate!!

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