07 May 2010

"All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go.." well, almost.

Hello world. :)

I was selected for a scholarship that requires me to keep a blog while I am away on my trip. I leave Saturday for 43 days to Cuernavaca, Mexico to study Spanish, sight-see around the surrounding cities, and absorb the culture like a little sponge. I will be attending an international university in the city and taking seven credits while abroad. I'll be living with a Mexican family of four (mama, papa, two daughters) and I'll have an American roommate from NAU.

Goals so far:
1) Become substantially better at speaking and understanding Spanish (sound like a Mexican)
2) Get a good tan (look like a Mexican) am I allowed to say that on here?
3) Receive good grades in my classes
4) Make some friends.. American and Mexican
5) Not gain 20lbs
6) Regularly update my blog, with photos!
7) Learn how to cook something Mexican
8) See as many places and things that my budget will allow me to do
-annnnnd most importantly-
9) Have fun in the process :)

I feel like I should have a 10th goal. Open to suggestions!

Stay tuned! 34 hours and counting 'til depature.


  1. I keep feeding nemo but he's not getting any bigger. Hopefully that happens to you con la comida de mexico!

  2. Hi honey! We miss you already! How about for your 10th goal - to represent America to your Mexican friends with kindness and compassion! i.e. WWJD? Love you!
