14 May 2010

El Fin de la Primera Semana

It is very difficult to do homework in the evenings when you know how much fun the city has to offer with its bares and discotecas. Luckily we aren't assigned much but its enough to make that little voice in your head think twice about going out with your friends! I can't believe a week has already gone by. :(

On Wednesday we went to El Museo de Robert Brady.. it was the home turned into museum of a man whose family who had "financial flexibility" and he used those finances to travel the world and collect art and then throw extravagent parties in his beautiful house. In his home he kept over 1200 pieces of art from something like 100 countries and his oldest piece dated back to the 14th century. He died in the 1980s but left money and instructions for his house to be opened to the public. It was really, really interesting.

Wednesday night was also one of the girl's birthdays so naturally we had to go out :) It was a blast. This weekend we are heading to Mexico City to sight-see and what not in the city. I'm excited! Hasta luego chicos :)


  1. Love those pictures! What a beautiful home!

  2. Hi Nicole! Following your blog... you are doing great. Keep up the good work. :)

  3. Hi Nicole
    The pictures are great, looks like you have a good start on your goals. Have too much fun (is that possible? T-hee)
